Panama City PET/CT Scanner
Hope Regional Cancer Center is Proud to Announce the Availability of a State-Of-The-Art PET/CT Scanner For Our Patients

National Accreditation for PET/CT Scanner – We are proud to announce the arrival of our GE 16 slice PET/CT scanner. Our PET/CT scanner is accredited by the national accreditation organization American College of Radiology (ACR) mandating diagnostic quality and safety standards. The addition of PET/CT scanner to the Cancer Center will significantly benefit both our patients and patients in Bay County and the surrounding Medical Communities as a non-invasive detection and staging of cancers, neurological conditions and cardiovascular diseases.
With an order from the referring physician Hope Regional Cancer Center will now be able to perform the PET/CT for your patients. You will receive prompt interpretations from the trusted and dedicated team of Board-Certified Radiologists from Bay Radiology. You can also be confident that your patients will receive the best care that they deserve from our dedicated staff at the Cancer Center.
Please call our friendly staff at 850-481-1687 today to schedule your patients PET/CT scanning need.
About The GE LightSpeed RT 16
GE LightSpeed RT 16 Features
- Excellent positioning freedom
- Comprehensive range of treatment planning capabilities
- Enhanced performance
- Wide 80 cm bore
- High resolution images
- Greater detail for precise contouring
- Exceptional table stability
GE LightSpeed RT 16 Technology
- Thorough patient anatomy
- No trade-off in challenging areas
- Compatible with most mobile lasers
- Compatible with treatment accessories
- Best solution to tumor motion
- Real-time view of a moving target
- Advantage CT/PET Fusion
- Advantage CT/MR Fusion
- Auto-Segmentation
- AW Remote Access
GE LightSpeed RT 16 Tech Specs (Technical Specifications) Basic GE LightSpeed RT 16
- Type: Multislice
- # of slices: 16
- 0% mtf: 15.4 lp/cm
- 50% mtf: 8.5 lp/cm
Slice sensitivity profile
- Low-contrast resolution: 5 mm at 0.3% at 1.33 rads, 3 mm at 0.3% at 3.72 rads
- Noise: 0.32% ±0.03 at 2.85 rads
System Integration
- Recommended post-processing workstation: AW
- Remote access to clinical applications: Optional
- Dicom 3-d image export: Yes
- Recommended Room Size: 28 m2 minimum, optional 45 m2
LightSpeed RT 16 Gantry
- Gantry angle: ±30 degrees
- Gantry size (height x width x depth): 188.2 x 222.5 x 100.6 cm
- Gantry weight: 1269 kg
- Gantry opening: 80 cm
- Scan localizer: Laser
Radiation Dose
- Dose modulation technique: Smart Addition, Auto mA
- Pediatric specific dose control: Color coding for kids
Power Needed
- 380-480 V nominal
- 3-phase delta or wye
X-Ray Tube
- Heat storage: 6.3 MHU
- Heat dissipation rate: 840 kHU/min
- Tube cooling: Oil/air
- Tube focal spots: 0.7 x 0.6, 0.9 x 0.7 mm
- Expected tube life, scan sec (& calendar): See tube warranty
- Maximum ma: 440
- Maximum scan time at maximum ma, sec: 5
Image Reconstruction
- Cpu: Open architecture/ LINUX
- Scan fovs: 25, 50 cm
- Reconstruction matrices: 512 x 512
- Per slice: Up to 16 frames/sec
- No. of online images: 250,000 (512 x 512)
- Archive: 2.3 GB MOD, DICOM 3.0
- kW output: 53.2
- Kvp range: 80, 100, 120, 140
- Ma range: 10
Patient Table (Range of movement)
- Vertical: 51.6-99 cm
- Longitudinal: 170 cm, optional 200 cm
- Scanning range: 170 cm, optional 200 cm
- Max load capacity (accuracy, mm), without restrictions: 227 kg (±2 mm
Clinical Applications and Functionality
- Applications/ Software: Advantage 4-D, Advantage fusion applications, Advantage Sim 6.0, AutoScan, AutoArchive, AutoFilm, AutoVoice, AutoTransfer, SmartPrep, ProtocolPro, View/Edit Wizard, DynaPlan Plus, ImageWorks, ProView, PNR, ConnectPro, SmartScore, advanced vessel analysis,
- Respiratory gating: Optional
- Other: Advantage Sim, Advantage fusion, Advantage 4-D
- DICOM: As defined in DICOM Conformance Statement
- Modality worklist SCU: Yes
- Query/Retrieve SCU and SCP: Yes
- Storage commitment SCU: Yes
- Modality performed procedure step SCU: Yes
- IHE profiles supported: Yes
LightSpeed RT 16 Detector (Scattered Light)
- Total detector width, z-axis: 20 mm
- Reconstructed slice width options: 1.25, 2.5, 3.75, 5, 10 mm
- Optional min slice width: 16 x 0.625 mm
- Standard Rotation times, sec, 360 degrees: 1, 2, 3, 4
- FDA Clearance: Yes
- CE Mark (MDD): Yes